Post-IVF Anticipation: When to Take a Pregnancy Test

Venturing into the world of IVF brings about a whirlwind of emotions, procedures, and anticipation. Perhaps one of the most nail-biting moments after undergoing IVF is the waiting period leading up to when you can take a pregnancy test. You're not alone in that eagerness to find out if your dreams are about to take form. Let's explore this timeline together.

Greetings from Amma Bear,

Venturing into the world of IVF brings about a whirlwind of emotions, procedures, and anticipation. Perhaps one of the most nail-biting moments after undergoing IVF is the waiting period leading up to when you can take a pregnancy test. You're not alone in that eagerness to find out if your dreams are about to take form. Let's explore this timeline together.

Counting the Days After Embryo Transfer:

Post-embryo transfer, the wait can feel eternal, but there's a method to the timing. Typically, a pregnancy test after an IVF treatment is recommended about two weeks after the embryo transfer. Here's why:

  1. Implantation Window: Once the embryos are transferred into the uterus, they need time to implant. This implantation typically takes place several days after the transfer.
  2. hCG Levels: The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced when the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. The concentration of hCG builds up over time, and it's this hormone that pregnancy tests detect. Testing too early might result in a false negative if hCG levels aren't sufficiently high yet.
  3. Variation Depending on Embryo Stage: The recommended wait time might vary slightly depending on the developmental stage of the embryo when it was transferred. For instance:
  1. Day 3 embryos: Here, it's usually advisable to wait at least 11 days post-transfer before testing.
  2. Day 5 (blastocyst) embryos: A wait of at least 9 days post-transfer is recommended before testing.

Emotional Preparedness:

Remember, while the scientific intricacies behind the scenes are crucial, your emotional state plays a pivotal role. Waiting for the appropriate time to test helps in ensuring accurate results, potentially avoiding unnecessary heartbreak from a false negative or anxiety from a false positive.

Seeking Guidance:

Should you experience any symptoms or uncertainties during this waiting period, always reach out to your fertility clinic or specialist. They are your guiding beacon during this journey, offering clarity and understanding tailored to your unique experience.

With admiration for the steps you're making,

Amma Bear


  • Braude, P., et al. (2012). "Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy and translocations using array comparative genomic hybridization." Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
  • Cantineau, A. E. P., Cohlen, B. J., & Heineman, M. J. (2003). "Ovarian stimulation protocols (anti-oestrogens, gonadotrophins with and without GnRH agonists/antagonists) for intrauterine insemination (IUI) in women with subfertility." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • Daya, S. (2005). "Treatment of luteal phase dysfunction with human chorionic gonadotropin." Fertility and Sterility.
  • Gardner, D. K., et al. (2004). "In vitro culture of human blastocyst." In Towards Reproductive Certainty: Fertility and Genetics Beyond 1999.
  • Porcu, E., et al. (1997). "Birth of a healthy female after intracytoplasmic sperm injection of cryopreserved human oocytes." Fertility and Sterility.

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